Friday, January 26, 2007


Breakfast: maple walnut oatmeal, bottle of water.

Snack: Kyle brought doughnuts to our weekly staff meeting, and I had two. Rebecca then brought cupcakes when she came to train us on using our AED, and I had a cupcake too.

Lunch: Friday usual. I didn't need to remind Athena at Roly Poly what I wanted; she already knew I was going to order a half #37 (chicken cordon bleu) with a #1 combo (diet coke and Sun chips). I'm amazed every time I have a #37 how good it is. I also really like Sun chips; they're a lot better than any of the baked Lay's.

Dinner: leftover EFL beef Asian stir fry, bottle of water.

Workout: half an hour on the elliptical machine. Watched a new show while I worked out: "Brothers and Sisters". It reminded me of some other good ensemble shows from the past like "Sisters", but it didn't seem to have any quirks.

Snack: EFL chocolate mousse.

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