Thursday, January 25, 2007

A purpose!

Last night's disappointing pizza at Flat Branch inspired me to warn the world that their once-wonderful Italian sausage & mushroom pizza is suddenly WAY too spicy. FWIW, I'm not fond of their brownie sundae either. I won't be clamoring to go back to eat there. As far as I'm concerned, Flat Branch has officially lost the competition for "best pizza downtown" to the calzones at Fellini.

I've never been someone who could keep a diary, much less a blog, so I'm starting this food diary without a lot of expectation that it will succeed. Let's see what happens, shall we?

Workout: 45 minutes weight lifting, 30-minute run with the dogs.

Breakfast: South Beach bar (chocolate peanut butter). Chewy, crunchy and yummy. 2 bottles of water; I was thirsty from my morning workout. Dessert: two Hit! mints (in car).

Snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, cup of blueberry yogurt. Bottle of water.

Lunch: South Beach cheese pizza, 3 oz. carrots, diet Coke. Okay, it's microwave pizza, but it isn't too bad. At least it's edible! I'll have this again.

Snack: low-sugar Detour bar. Excellent fake candy bar.

Dinner: It was supposed to be EFL taco salad, but Andy put the wrong meat in the microwave oven, so we had EFL Asian Beef Stir Fry instead. I prepared the meat and Andy prepared the veggies. I really like this meal. Can of Diet Pepsi and a bottle of water. Dessert: 1 Mento.

Workout: 30 minutes on the elliptical machine while I watched the first half of "Shark". Not a program I'll be in a hurry to watch again, but it's okay. "My Name is Earl" was an episode that I hadn't seen before, and I watched the second half of "Ugly Betty" while I read the paper.

Snack: slice of EFL cheesecake with apple pie topping, Cool Whip, and walnuts. Bottle of water.

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