Sunday, January 28, 2007


Breakfast: banana oatmeal, bottle of water.


Lunch: "John Cocstostan" at Moe's. I've had the burritos, but I like the quesadillas better. It's all about the cheese. :-) Chips and salsa, 2 glasses of diet Coke.

Workout: 3-mile run with the dogs followed immediately by 6-mile solo run.

Snack: string cheese, multigrain wheat thins, can of Jones diet black cherry soda. Note: Jones diet soda is the only diet soda that doesn't have aspartame (which sometimes gives me headaches) or ace-K (which leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth).

Dinner: EFL taco salad, bottle of water.

Snack: EFL cheesecake with blueberry topping, bottle of water.

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